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Dog Vaccines Expire: All You Have To Know

Vaccination is a protective measure for dogs against various diseases, including zoonoses (infectious diseases transmitted between animals and people), such as rabies, leishmaniasis, and distemper. The vaccination schedule for dogs varies depending on the country you live. In general, puppies between the 1st month of life and the 7th month receive all necessary vaccines.

There are three types of vaccines on the market: attenuated ones made with microorganisms artificially manipulated to nullify virulence. Such microorganisms are inert and recombinant ones that involve genetic manipulation in encoding an immunodominant protein of a microorganism.

Vaccines are usually given subcutaneously, but intranasal, oral, and transdermal (no needle required) are also possible. In general, all animals should be vaccinated with vaccines classified as essential and with those whose infectious agents pose a risk of exposure.

Are Dog Vaccines Good After The Expiration Date?

Vaccines beyond the expiration date should be disregarded as the manufacturer has no guarantees. The guarantee of the effectiveness of vaccines after expiration is not known, so always check the expiration date of the vaccination before the veterinarian applies it. If you only notice it after application, carrying out a new application is recommended 30 days after providing the vaccine. Unsuccessful.

How Long Do Dog Vaccines Last?

The duration of the vaccine in the body is an issue that depends a lot on the inoculum and the type of vaccine, as each one induces a specific immune response. In addition, the duration also depends on the organism of each animal.

The ideal would be to perform a titration of each animal to check the number of antibodies present in the body and decide if there is a need for a vaccine booster. Still, as this procedure has a higher value than vaccine application, booster doses are given annually.

It is essential to point out that no vaccine has 100% guaranteed effectiveness, as it depends on the reaction of each organism, the quality of the applied product, storage, transport, care in handling and administration of the vaccine, and correctly used booster dose intervals.

How Long Can A Dog Vaccine Be Delayed?

It is not recommended that vaccines be postponed. However, if this happens, keep calm and seek professional guidance to indicate a new vaccine protocol to be followed.

Do Dogs Need To Be Vaccinated Every Year?

Although it is not mandatory, except for the rabies vaccine in some regions, the annual booster of vaccines is highly recommended. It is because immunity drops as time passes, and the booster dose helps maintain optimal levels of immunizing cells. Remember that trusted professionals can only give vaccines to ensure the safety and effectiveness of vaccination for dogs.

In addition to annual vaccination, other preventive health care for your dog is essential. It is the case of using anti-parasitic agents such as vermifuges and anti-flea/ticks. These medications can be used preventively and for treatment, and the protocols may vary according to the treatment chosen by the veterinarian.

  • Fleas control: Fleas are tiny insects that feed on the blood of dogs, and their bites cause itching and irrationality in the animals that, when itching, can cause lesions that become openings for possible infections. Anti-fleas are essential to prevent flea infestation in the environment and pets. To know if your dog has fleas is necessary to observe its behavior. The first signs of flea infestation are itching in the neck and back area, restlessness and discomfort. In some cases, there is a loss of appetite and apathy. To check your pet for fleas, open the coat and see if you can find tiny black dots on the pet’s body and reddish areas on the dog’s skin. Fleas can also attack humans, so preventive control and environmental hygiene are essential to keep these insects away from your Family.
  • Ticks: Ticks are not insects. They are arthropods, such as spiders and scorpions, belonging to the Arachnida class. Like fleas, ticks feed on the host’s blood, such as dogs, cats, and even humans. However, ticks are vectors of diseases such as viruses, bacteria, and protozoa and are, therefore, more dangerous than fleas. These microorganisms are transmitted through the ticks’ saliva, which is injected into the bite site and contains toxins, anesthetic substances, and anticoagulants. Among the diseases transmitted to humans, we can mention: Brazilian spotted fever and Lyme borreliosis, and the most frequent in dogs affected by ticks are: anemia, spotted fever, and Lyme disease.
Prevention Against Parasites
  • Keep the garden clean and tidy. It is important to trim and cut the undergrowth. When cleaning and pruning vegetation, wear long-sleeved clothing, boots, and long pants with the bottom inside the shoes to protect yourself from insects.
  • Inspect the animal’s body after walks in wooded areas and parks.
  • Avoid walking or frequenting areas infested by ticks and fleas.
  • Remove exposed garbage or food remains to prevent them from serving as food for stray animals that could be hosts of these parasites.
  • The animals must be inspected weekly, and when they present ticks or fleas, they must be treated as indicated by a veterinarian and kept in a restricted place to avoid contamination in other animals and the environment;
  • It uses preventive control medications, such as spray, pour-on, anti-parasitic collar, or specific pills. Remember to consult a veterinarian for instructions on use.
Control Of Flea And Tick Infestations

Several products on the market are intended to exterminate fleas and ticks in infested houses. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for use, and if necessary, call a specialized detection company to carry out the application of the products. Important: do not use these products directly on your dog or apply them in the environment with your animal present, as some compounds can cause intoxication. If your dog has these animals in his body, seek the advice of a veterinarian so that he can guide you on the medicines and dosages that should be used. 


Vermifuges are drugs administered to prevent and fight diseases caused by worms. These worms usually lodge in the intestines of pets. When not treated effectively, they can result in severe diseases for pets. The deworming should be used preventively, annually, or as the veterinarian recommends. And it can also be used to combat worms’ infestations already established in animal bodies.

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