Dog Urination Ideas: Let Your Dog To Pee On The Right Place

When you acquire a dog, there is a concern about where your dog will meet its physiological needs. Teaching a dog, regardless of age, is an uphill task. Some dogs take longer to assimilate the correct place to do their excreta, which can become a problem. If you are trying to teach your dog to relieve themselves in the right place and have not been successful, don’t worry because this article will check out infallible tips to train your dog.

How To Make My Dog Pee Wherever I Want?

First, to understand how to teach a dog to urinate in the desired place, we must know why he is not doing it in the indicated spot, right? Check out the main reasons that lead dogs to urinate outside the desired place:

  • Little stimulation: dogs must be stimulated several times to the behavior. After all, they don’t talk, so we have no way of knowing when he wants to urinate. So take your dog more times during the day to the place where you want him to do the excreta. The main times to take him are in the morning, after meals, and before bed, but you can also observe the behavior if you notice that they are sniffing the environment a lot or that they are walking around themselves is a sign that they feel like going to the bathroom.
  • Location: the choice of location is essential because, by instinct, dogs avoid doing their business near where they eat and sleep. Therefore, place the place you want to be used for dog excreta away from the environment where it sleeps and eats, but be careful. This place should not be too far away, especially when they are small, as they may not be able to hold urine.
  • Size: the dimension of the place can also be a problem. In small businesses, dogs are uncomfortable and end up missing the stipulated area. The ideal size of the bathroom area should be enough for the dog to be able to get in and around.
  • Material: your dog may not adapt to certain types of materials. By instinct, dogs prefer to relieve themselves on absorbent surfaces, which is why it is so common for dogs to use spaces with grass and dirt. So, choose an absorbent material that your dog likes to use, try to test the materials, and see which one will adapt best.
  • Hygiene: keeping the pet’s bathroom clean is essential. No one likes to go into dirty bathrooms, not even animals, so always clean your dog’s area to make manure, and never leave urine accumulating in the absorbent material. Keeping the bathroom clean prevents him from looking elsewhere to relieve himself.
  • Behavioral problems: in some cases, dogs have some behavioral issues that make training more difficult. Usually, they are dogs that mark territory, have separation anxiety, or have an excessive submission to their owners. Pay attention to behavioral signs and ask for help from a professional.
  • Health Problems: Infection and urinary incontinence are the most common health problems that lead dogs to relieve themselves outside the desired place. Look for a veterinary doctor to evaluate and carry out the treatment.

Now that you know what makes your dog urinate and defecate in the wrong place, it will be easier to teach him to do it in the right place. The best way to train a dog for anything is to reward him when it acts the way you want. So to teach it the correct place, you must first encourage him to go there, and whenever it urinates or poops, you provide a reward. In this way, it will associate the reward with the act of doing the needs, and with the repetition of the training, it will repeat the action involuntarily, waiting for the reward. But for this correct association, you must be quick and act at the right time, so as soon as it finishes urinating or defecating, at the same time you provide the reward, don’t make too much party as it can have the opposite effect on what you want. Have patience and resilience. With the repetition of training, your dog will understand it as something positive and do it alone.

During the training period, sometimes your dog can meet its needs in the wrong place. You mustn’t curse or scream at it. These punishments can scare your buddy and make him afraid to relieve himself in front of you. The idea is to be careful and take him when you already know, by routine, that it wants to use the toilet.

In addition, you can use products with enzyme removers and clean the places you don’t want him to use as a bathroom. This way, he won’t be stimulated by the smell of the place. If you own more than one dog and are interested in group dog training, read the article “Ideas for group dog training classes.”

What Do You Put In A Dog Toilet Area?

The area of the dog bathroom does not need to be very large, but the dog must be able to enter and run inside without touching walls, and it must have only what the dog will use, in this case, only the material that you have chosen as an absorbent.

Do Pee Posts Work For Dogs?

In general, they work very well. There may be a certain refusal for some dogs, as the material is usually plastic, but nothing that good training can’t solve. These objects make it easier to clean the place, as the urine can be poured, the floor is not dirty, and the plastic can be washed and ready to be reused. It is even a great strategy to reduce the environmental impact, as it reduces the disposal of sanitary mats.

Now that you know everything about how to teach your dog to do their excreta in the right place, tidy up the pet’s bathroom and start training.

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